Natural remedies of geting rid of a fever


Hydration plays a pivotal role in toxin elimination, expediting the healing process. Opt for diluted fruit juices to avoid excessives sugar intake, and consider hydrating alternatives like coconut water or herbal teas.

Gentle Nutrition

Loss of appetite is common during fevers. To ease discomfort, choose mild, easily digestible foods, prioritizing hydration over force-feeding. Options like bananas, oatmeal, and bone broth are gentle on the stomach.

The Power of Probiotics

Support gut health with probiotics, which bolster immune function, even during illness. With over 70 percent of the immune system located in the digestive tract, probiotics help reduce the risk of infections and enhance overall immune response. Include probiotic-rich foods like kombucha, miso soup, or yoghurt to support gut health during fever bouts.

Cooling Down: Lukewarm Baths

A lukewarm bath can help lower your body temperature and provide relief. Add Epsom salt and essential oils like peppermint or lavender for extra relaxation.

Dress Smart, Not Warm

Avoid overdressing, which can trap heat and make your fever worse. Opt for lightweight clothing and one blanket for sleep, ensuring a comfortable room temperature.


Over-the-Counter Options: Use with Caution   

Consider over-the-counter options like Tylenol or Motrin if home remedies aren’t enough.

Always consult a doctor, especially for children under three months.


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